I Bounce Karela Jamun - OJYA Natural

I Bounce Karela Jamun

Jamuns are low on calories, which makes them the perfect healthy snack. They also aid digeson and promote natural bowel movement. Jamun juice has bioacve phytochemicals that minimise the risk of liver disease and cancer. They are also known to be effecve in treatment of diabetes.

Karela juice pr ela juice provides ample amoun ovides ample amounts of vit ts of vitamin C an anoxidant that plays a role in pr ole in promong immunity omong immunity brain health, and ssue healing ( 3 , 4 ). It’s also a great source of provitamin A. This is a subs This is a substance tha ance that your body c our body converts in erts into vitamin A, which helps with eyesight and skin health.

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